Making a strong first impression will influence your customers decision to buy and in an extremely competitive market every developer needs to ensure their sales staff are providing a 5-star service. Mystery shopping is a way to remain competitive and identify areas of the business that needs improving. IDENTIFY IMPROVEMENTS The buyer’s point of view Improving customer experience is a top priority for most companies. The most important reason why developing a customer experience for your business is to stay in the business! Mystery shopping reports provide observations of your staff through the eyes of a professional shopper/potential buyer. The shopper will survey everything from your potential buyer’s point of view, the presentation of your development, sales office and Show homes, your company representative and how they meet and greet, their product knowledge and sales technique, including follow up calls. ALL AREAS COVERED Mystery shopping services We can offer a range of mystery shopping services. Telephone mystery shops The telephone is still the tool that most people use to find out information about the development, type of product available and price. If the conversation is friendly and informative then you are halfway there to securing that sale. Online mystery shops Many enquiries by customers are made by the potential buyer contacting you by email or your own website. This type of shop can assist you with how long it takes for your sales representative to respond to the enquiry and quality of the content in the response. We can also give you an evaluation of your own website as to whether it is seen as user friendly and effective. Sales office visits Opportunity to receive feedback on their sales staff and their attitude, selling skills, brand and product awareness, their face-to-face customer interaction. The developer may also learn something from their own staff, what they see as important in selling the product and brand could be very different to what senior management think or maybe have overlooked. MYSTERY SHOPPING IS KEY TO YOUR BUSINESS INSIGHT CONTACT US Packages to suit your business We can offer a mystery shopping programme specifically for your company, a mystery shopping programme can let you know if your company’s procedures and systems are being followed. Where improvements need to be made and the where the company need to focus on employee training to provide an exemplary service to every customer whether they buy or walk away. Every shop will be followed up with a written report and these reports are written within 24 hours of the shop to ensure the calls or visits are as fresh in the mind of the shopper. Whether you require your full sales team shopped or one individual we can accommodate, tailored to meet your exact needs and are flexible to meet all budgets. Contact us Get in touch for more information First name Last name Your email Your mobile no. Your job title Reason for enquiry —Please choose an option—Sales & Marketing StrategiesLand AppraisalMystery ShoppingSales TrainingCustomer Demonstration TrainingRefresher CourseBack to Basics Sales TrainingOther Additional information How did you hear about us? —Please choose an option—WebPrint